Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Rush!

It has been a few weeks since my last post. The Christmas season is always a bit busy and this year was no exception! The Christmas party went wonderfully, as did our Christmas Eve Candlelight services. We are looking forward to having a great time ringing in the New Year on the 31st. We will be having an evening service at 7 PM and then move over to the fellowship hall for food and fun until midnight!

Our cameraman has been on vacation (and I didn't appoint a replacement) so our sermons from December 21st will not be posted. I am editing the sermon from December 28th as I type this and it will be posted on our sermon page within the hour. http://gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

We are looking forward to a wonderful 2009. Our annual Missions Month will start on February 1st with Ernie Harman, Missionary to Mexico in all services! Bob Hines from I-Map ministries, Mike Napper, Missionary to Burkina Faso and Beau Moore, Missionary to Portugal will also be with us on the following Sundays!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Many Blessings!

We had a wonderful time at our annual Thanksgiving dinner. I want to personally thank all those who worked so hard to provide a great meal! A special thanks goes to all who invited their friends and families to share in this time of thanksgiving to all God has given to us!

We are now looking forward to the Christmas season starting with our Church Christmas party on Saturday, December 13th at Peppers! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You!

Today is Veteran's Day in the US and it was our priviledge to honor all of our Veterans and their families last Sunday. We owe them a debt we can never repay and in our current climate our military members and their families are sacrificing more than many imagine. Thank you for doing all you can to allow us to continue to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities we cherish so dearly!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fantastic Fall Festival!

We had a wonderful time at our annual Fall Festival on October 31st. I want to personally thank the many people who shared the love of Jesus with our children and the visitors who came to be with us! Great job!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Join us for our Fall Festival and Veteran's Sunday!

Our annual Fall Festival is Friday, Oct 31st from 6:30-8:30 PM! There will be plenty of pizza, candy and fun for all!

We will have a special Veteran’s Sunday on November 9th. We appreciate the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy. Join us as we honor those who have given so much!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sermon Player Back on Line!

Our sermon player is back on line. I have posted the sermons from the last two weeks and the archive sermons should be online any day. You can hear them at http://gateway-baptist.org/listen.html !

We are excited to see God bless our efforts as we focus on our community through the Jerusalem Priority. The preparations for our Fall Festival and Veteran's Sunday are going well and I want to thank everyone who is helping make these days honoring to our Lord!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Looking forward to God's Blessing!

We had a wonderful start to our local community focus! We are joining churches around the country in the Jerusalem Priority outreach effort. For the entire month we will be opening our hearts to the leading of God in order to reach our community!
Our sermon player host is having some server issues due to rapid growth. Praise the Lord that there are so many looking to share God's Word with the world! We will post this week's sermons as soon as the servers are back online!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Full Swing for the Fall!

The month of October will be dedicated to renewing our vision for our community! We will be joining churches around the globe as we rekindle our "Jerusalem Priority"!
Will will be having our Fall Festival on Friday, October 31st and a very special Veteran's Sunday on November 9th! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Grandparent's Day!

Many view Grandparent's Day as a greeting company ploy, but if the church is going to accomplish all God has for us we need to give special honor to those who have remained faithful to Him!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Couple of quick notes!

Edit: The sermon player is back online! Listen to last week's sermons on our main site at http://gateway-baptist.org/listen.html !

Our sermon player is temporarily down as of 9/2/08 due to problems on sermonplayer.com. Last Sunday's sermons will be posted when the service is back up!

Also, Awana Clubs start tomorrow, Wednesday, September 3rd! We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Micah Dorr - Missionary to Mexico!

It was our pleasure to have Micah Dorr, Misisonary to Mexico, in our morning services. He challenged our teens in Sunday School and the entire church in our morning services! Make sure to listen to his message on our sermon page!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's that time of year again!

Alamogordo Public Schools resumed on Monday, August 11th and we are looking forward to a wonderful Fall! We will be resuming our Awana Children's Clubs on Wednesday, September 3rd and are looking forward to God's blessing as we reach out to the children of our community!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

An article worth reading...

Many of you are familiar with former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow's recent passing. Over the last few weeks we have had a number of our Church members impacted by life threatening diseases. Mr. Snow published an article in Christianity Today a while back after finding out he had cancer. Although I quoted a portion of the article in Sunday morning's sermon, I wanted to link to the complete article here. The article shows a tremendous amount of spiritual insight and was a real encouragement to me. The article can be read online at:http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/july/25.30.html

Friday, July 18, 2008

Elizabeth Proctor - Missionary to Chile

It was our pleasure to have Elizabeth Proctor, Missionary to chile in our services Sunday. Her burden for carring the Gospel to the World presented an excellent example for all of us!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We had a wonderful 4th of July Weekend!

We had an event-filled time but all seemed to enjoy themselves! Friday we had our annual picnic at Alameda park. God provided perfect weather and we had a good group of people come out. Saturday the Southern Gospel group Shiloh came to Alamogordo for a free concert and they were a true blessing to everyone there. We concluded with week with our Patriotic Sunday - recognizing the many blessing we have in this great Nation! Praise God for His faithfulness!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Looking forward to a great 4th of July weekend!

We have a busy week ahead of us! We will be meeting at Alameda Park on Friday for our annual picnic. Saturday brings the 2nd Annual Alamogordo Music Festival at the Tay's center beginning at 4PM. We will have pictures and reports on all the events posted next week! God Bless this great Country!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Sunday we joined many others in honoring the signficance of fathers in the family. Praise the Lord that we have a perfect heavenly Father to look to as we gain "Strength for the Journey".

If you are going to be in the area on July 4th make sure to join us at Alameda Park (Next to the Zoo on Highway 70) starting at 8 AM for our annual picnic!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Holloman AFB weclomes the first F-22s!

On Friday, June 6 2008 the first two F-22's arrived at Holloman AFB ushering in a new era in the proud tradition of the base. Thanks to the Dickey family for the patch and coin from the events held on Friday!

We had some issues with the audio in our sermons from this Sunday. I posted the AM sermon but the PM sermon had too much static to be useable. I think we have the problem iorned out so it should not present future problems.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Where is that in the Bible?

Sunday we began a new series in our AM Worship services entitled "Where is that in the Bible?". The first sermon is "Cleanliness is next to godliness" which emphasizes our need to come to Jesus Christ for the only cleansing that truly matters. Stop by http://www.gateway-baptist.org to listen in!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Remembering Matters!

Our greatest need as a people is not lower gas prices or an answer to global warming. Our greatest need is to remember. Our Lord Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for you and I to be able to know Him. Our men and women have given their lives for the freedoms that we often take for granted!

We live in the most blessed Country in the world and serve the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe! Let's commit together to remember that and live like it matters!

Our evening message (So Much to Remember) is available on our sermon page! http://gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

The morning message is not available due to technical issues.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Awana Awards Night!

We had a fantastic time Sunday Night as we celebrated our 2008 Awana Awards Night!

I would like to personally thank Ed Davidson, Mike & Stephani Christenot, Laura King, and Ben & Katherine Peterson for working with the children this year!

The children and their parents were wonderful and we look forward to seeing most of them again next year!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them:" - Psalm 127:3-5a

God has blessed our church with some of the most wonderful women I have ever met. It was our priviledge to honor them on Sunday for Mother's Day! Thanks so much for all you do!

Our Mother's Day gifts from Christian Tool of Affirmation (http://ctainc.com/) and Sunday morning message challenged our mothers to Live in Grace! you can listen to the sermon audio on our sermon page! http://gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

Friday, May 9, 2008

Congratulations Graduates!

Two of our members received degrees in commencement ceremonies at NMSUA tonight! New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson delivered the commencement address.

Our Graduates were:
Elycia Foley - Associate in Social Services
Samantha Graham - Associate of Graphic Design

Great job ladies!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Wonderful Weekend!

Our Ladies had a day out on Saturday, May 3rd in preparation for Mother's Day. They were able to meet up with Danielle Contrares, our Missionary to Spain for the morning. I hear a good time was had by all!

We had several visitors in our services on Sunday. The audio for our sermons has been posted on our main website. http://gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

I appologize for last week's sermons not being posted due to equipment issues!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog!

We are looking for ways to better communicate with everyone who visits our website. This blog is inteded to keep people informed about the activities of our church! I will make periodic updates as appropriate to reflect significant events in our church and community.

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or comments you have! Due to some problems we had on our forums all comments left on articles will be reviewed prior to posting.

If you have not visited our main site yet make sure to stop by!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The end of an era...

The F-117 was officially retired from active service at Holloman AFB this past Saturday, April 20. I was stationed at Holloman when the F-117 arrived in 1991 and still remember how amazing it was to see the new addition to our community.

The first F-22s will be arriving at Holloman in June but the wing will not be operational until sometime next year.