Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Sunday we joined many others in honoring the signficance of fathers in the family. Praise the Lord that we have a perfect heavenly Father to look to as we gain "Strength for the Journey".

If you are going to be in the area on July 4th make sure to join us at Alameda Park (Next to the Zoo on Highway 70) starting at 8 AM for our annual picnic!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Holloman AFB weclomes the first F-22s!

On Friday, June 6 2008 the first two F-22's arrived at Holloman AFB ushering in a new era in the proud tradition of the base. Thanks to the Dickey family for the patch and coin from the events held on Friday!

We had some issues with the audio in our sermons from this Sunday. I posted the AM sermon but the PM sermon had too much static to be useable. I think we have the problem iorned out so it should not present future problems.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Where is that in the Bible?

Sunday we began a new series in our AM Worship services entitled "Where is that in the Bible?". The first sermon is "Cleanliness is next to godliness" which emphasizes our need to come to Jesus Christ for the only cleansing that truly matters. Stop by http://www.gateway-baptist.org to listen in!