Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Revelation of the Resurrection!

There are only a few more days until we celebrate Resurrection Sunday and all that it means to us as the Body of Christ! We are thrilled by all that God has revealed through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but many are not. Listen to our most recent sermon "The Revelation of the Resurrection" to find out why! http://www.gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is it March already?

It is hard to believe another month has come and gone but March is here and Resurrection Sunday is just a few weeks away! Time change is next Sunday so be sure to set your clocks forward one hour!

In the times we live in we need to depend on the timeless truth of God's Word nore than ever. Last Sunday's sermon reminds us of this need. It is posted on our main church website at http://www.gateway-baptist.org/listen.html !

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Forward Thinking

We have finished our Missions month and I want to personally thank the faithful Missionaries who presented their burden for the World.

Miguel Lopez, Missionary to Honduras
Stephen Kennedy, Missionary to Ireland
Henry Powell, Outreach to Asia Nationals
Terry Ingram, Global Church Planters

Each Missionary had a particualr focus, but each had the same burden - to bring the Gospel message to those who have not heard! That mission begins with us. In this weeks message we examine our need to speak the Truth in our own lives. The sermon entitled "Forward Thinking" is posted on our main site: http://www.gateway-baptist.org/listen.html