Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas time is here!

What a great week to celebrate Christmas! The Alamogordo High School Choir Christmas concert was great fun and included a good number of traditional Christmas carols that gave honor to our Lord Jesus Christ!

The Awana float turned out wonderfully and we had about 30 kids and adults show up to make it a great night and a wonderful testimony for Christ!

The GLAD ladies put together Christmas baskets at their monthly meeting last night and they look wonderful. I am sure they will be a blessing to the families who receive them!

Tonight is the Christmas program for Imago Dei Academy at 1st Baptist Church! Laura and I would like to extend a personal invitation to anyone who wants to hear young people praise the Savior! The program starts at 6:30 pm!

Make sure to plan for the Christmas party this Saturday at the Golden Palace! We will begin at 6:00 pm!

Have a great time as we look forward to Christmas!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ready for Christmas?

Looking for something uplifting and exciting to do this week?

Thursday, December 9 at 7 pm - Alamogordo High School Choir Christmas concert at the Flickenger Center!

Saturday, December 11 at 5:00 pm - City Christmas Parade featuring our Awana Clubs float!

Monday, December 13 at 6:00 pm - GLAD Ladies Meeting at Gateway!

Tuesday, December 14 at 6:30 pm - Imago Dei Christmas program at 1st Baptist Church!

If that is not enough to keep you busy I have posted Sunday's semon on the main site!