Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wonderful Worship!

We had a great Sunday! In the morning service we "Focused on Worship" and were reminded how wonderful our God is and how worthy He is of our worship! In the evening we had our annual Thanksgiving dinner and the food and fellowship was great! Thanks to all who made it possible and thanks to our God!

The morning sermon is posted on the main website. Please excuse the echo in the recording - we are training a new sound man. While I am on the subject, I want to thank Robert Egan for his faithful service in the sound room. We will be praying for you as you head for Korea!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Focused on Fishing

When Jesus called His Disciples they had many important responsiblities, but none greater than becoming Fishers of Men! This priviledge is now ours! Listen to our Sunday Sermon on our main webpage!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanking our Veterans and Focused on Fellowship

We had a great day of services on Sunday as we recognized the sacrifice our Service Men and Women have made for our Country. We are constantly mindful of the brave people who have served and continue to serve to secure our freedom.

We also continued our "Finding our Focus" series with a focus on Fellowship. Fellowship is much more than sharing social time together, it is about partnering together as the Body of Christ. The sermon can be heard on the main website sermon page.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Financial Peace University

We will be hosting a Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey. Classes will begin on Friday, January 8th! We will have preview sessions after our Sunday services on December 6 and 13.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Are You Completely Committed?

This is our third week of our "Finding Our Focus" series and the messages from this week may be the most penetrating. Please listen to the AM and PM sermons from this week as they work together to point out our need for committment as well as some instruction on how to keep committed to God. Our sermons are on the main site at: http://www.gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

In the morning sermon I challenged our people to read six passages of Scipture every day for the remainder of our series. They show the level of commitment Jesus Christ expected of His followers in different areas. The passages on the handout are: Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 13:44-46, Matthew 15:8-9, Matthew 21:28-31, Luke 18:21-23 and Luke 14:25-35.