Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Are You Completely Committed?

This is our third week of our "Finding Our Focus" series and the messages from this week may be the most penetrating. Please listen to the AM and PM sermons from this week as they work together to point out our need for committment as well as some instruction on how to keep committed to God. Our sermons are on the main site at: http://www.gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

In the morning sermon I challenged our people to read six passages of Scipture every day for the remainder of our series. They show the level of commitment Jesus Christ expected of His followers in different areas. The passages on the handout are: Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 13:44-46, Matthew 15:8-9, Matthew 21:28-31, Luke 18:21-23 and Luke 14:25-35.

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