Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Busy Weekend!

We had an interesting but certainly entertaining weekend here at Gateway.

Jim Kennedy, one of our members, hosted the 3rd annual Alamogordo Music Festival at the Teys Special Events Center. The opening acts ranged from our own Randy Flowers to a German choir from Holloman AFB and all of them did a great job.

The acappella group Legacy made their first appearance in Alamogordo and were very impressive. They have an incredible gift and seem determined to use it for the glory of our Lord and Savior! You can find more about them at: http://www.legacymusic.net/legacy/Home.html

Southern Gospel group Shiloh made their third appearance in Alamogordo and were a real blessing. We are looking forward to spending the 4th of July with them at our annual picnic. You can find more about them at: http://www.shilohnet.com/about/

The weekend ended with a flash-flood warning in the area. There was lots of rain and we lost power twice during the evening service! My preaching was focused on God's presence through the storm in the AM and PM Services - I guess God wanted to make things a little more real to us!

The sermons are posted at our main site: http://www.gateway-baptist.org/listen.html

I can't wait to see what God has in store for us next weekend!

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