Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chris Kurth: Aug 9 1985 - June 4 2009

Chris Kurth was an outstanding young man. We had the priviledge of having him as a church member during his high school years. Chris was always willing to help where he could and had a passion to serve his Country. He was involved in the Air Force Jr. ROTC program at his school and entered the U.S. Army after graduation.

Chris went to be with the Lord last Thursday. Here is the Associated Press article:

The Pentagon has identified a U.S. soldier killed in a grenade attack near Kirkuk, Iraq, as from Fort Hood. A Defense Department statement says 23-year-old Army Spc. Christopher M. Kurth of Alamogordo, N.M., died Thursday in Kirkuk of wounds suffered when an anti-tank grenade hit his vehicle.

He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood.
I want to thank Chris and his family for his service and sacrifice. Please pray for the family during this difficult time.

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